

Auguste Rodin "Le Penseur (The Thinker)" Art Review


You know right before you go to sleep and all those existential thoughts are racing and you're playing hypothetical interactions out in your mind? Now imagine that all day and for a profession. I think that's the core of Philosophy, contemplative thought, truth seeking. That's why I love this piece. It's so straight forward but equally intricate. What's on homie mind that he had to post up in the most perplexed position and focus all his energy on thinking? This still life is the representational idol of the intellectual in my eyes. The perfect pose for a critical analysis. Often I find myself sprawled out somewhere zeroed in on an idea/thought and frozen in that moment. Though not as cliché or elegant, the Art begins to reflect life. Rodin captures the essence of what it truly means to be a human being in his Magnum Opus. After all the only thing that separates us from animals is our ability to ponder complex questions such as, "What's the meaning of life?". We are all The Thinker.
