

The Ugly Face of Homophobia


I don't have time to mince words. I don't have time to spare feelings for the sake of maintaining the status quo. We cannot afford to not denounce one of the greatest evils we face as the Black community: homophobia. It is pervasive. It is malignant. It is passively accepted and brushed off as nothing but harmless jokes. Lives are at stake, especially those of Trans women. So let's get into the facts of the matter before we dissect the harm, shall we?

The first fact is, sexuality is a spectrum just as gender is a spectrum, and Gay people and Trans people and many other sexually and gender fluid identities exist in between the two poles of either one. LGBTQIA+ people have existed since the beginning of human history. And I hate to break it to you we are not going anywhere. I'm relatively new to the party, but they've been ultimately welcoming and I've felt nothing but love and acceptance from that community since “coming out” as Queer and Non-Binary. Not that I hadn't existed as I am before officially stating it. It was just shrouded in a lack of pride of who exactly I ultimately knew I was and the inevitable can of worms I knew it'd open once I decided to.


People wanna know who you're fucking and who you would fuck and what genitalia you've been equipped with if you don't subscribe to Hetero-normativity. Especially if you're Trans. I like to say I'm barely in the community because I still only am attracted to women and generally present masculine. If not for my embrace of Gay language and mannerisms I would not consider myself Queer. If not for the general toxicity of men, I would not have had to come out as Non-Binary and could've lived my life a bit less at risk of bigoted violence. But that's not fair to the community who could use a voice like mine to articulate issues like that by expounding on my personal experiences.

Experiences like having your dating pool shrink cause there's a fear that you might switch sides on the drop of a dime and make a fool out of a woman. I know Bi-men and women feel that. Experiences like one of my brothers immediately, without hesitation, calling me a faggot after I told him I am Queer and Non-Binary. I can't imagine the pain my Gay brothers and sisters feel when their families kick them out on the street for daring to be who they are. The majority of the youth homeless population in America are Gay and Black and that is not a coincidence. It is the social engineering of bigoted religious/social indoctrination affecting the outcomes of lives before they have the chance to truly start.


Sorry to break it to you, you can't pray the Gay away Big Mama. The Gay drip is eternal. At the end of the day thinking a man and another man having sex is unnatural and an affront against God is not only foolish, it is quite literally insane. Niggas are gonna fuck and there's not shit that you can do about it. And you shouldn't care. You shouldn't act like the sight of two men kissing is going to turn your kids Gay. And if the kid liked the idea of kissing someone of the same sex, I'mma tell you right now it wasn't influence. It's called being human. We start to contextualize romantic relationships at around 4 or 5 and children are well aware of who they are attracted to. Some of us are Gay first day out the pussy. Sometimes niggas test the waters after being genuinely curious. Some niggas stay fucking niggas on the Down Low and act like they're Straight because it's easier to hold onto Straight male privilege (something most Black men covet as one of their only forms of power over oppressed groups like Black women). Some men stay in the closet completely and just live a lie and never experience who they desire sexually or romantically.

But this ain't all about the men. The Straight women uphold homophobia by treating their Gay friends like accessories. That's your bestie when he teaching you all about what's hot, but as soon as he disagrees with you he's a faggot and wants to be a woman. The second thing they do is not protect their Homosexual friends from the attacks of their friends or boyfriends who are homophobic. You can't have it both ways Shay! You got two options: Option 1. Check them and make sure it doesn't happen again with the expectation of becoming more educated and accepting. Option 2. Drop the friends or significant other who don't respect the HUMANITY of the person you also love. All too often people like to try to act like it's “no big deal” when it's a huge deal. Cause that same person you excusing for their homophobia you could have a child with and that baby could be Gay and then finds himself on the side of a road at the age of 4 because Daddy had his suspicions. Maybe he wasn't and still ends up on the side of the road based off the same asinine fear your child won't be what they consider “normal”.

Well I hate to break it to you Daddy, but your fear of your child being Gay is likely a manifestation of your own suppressed sexual identity and lack of expression that you are still confused about after decades. Sexual suppression also manifests itself in the form of projection and overcompensating acts of masculinity. A lot of men are so blind to the fact that a lot of their performances of manliness are really just acts to be affirmed by other men. Whether it be how they dress or the attractiveness of the women they can have sex with (if you can even call it that. It's more like masturbation). They want to be smiled upon by other men. The desire to have sex with a woman to dominate her with your homie (just to kinda be having sex with your boy) is another shining example. The writing is normally on the wall. If you've found yourself doing any of these things I think it's time to take a long look in the mirror and know that some sexual exploration is in order.

I say all of this to say, don't die a hateful homophobe before you can't course correct. We see how that worked out for Nipsey Hussle as that's all people like me will remember. That and the other harmful shit he was pushing as Liberation. I am here to tell you Capitalism (slavery) and Hotepry will not save us from white supremacy. So take that damn 🏁 flag out your bio and stop quoting Dr. Sebi & spreading the lie he cured cancer cause he got off a malpractice lawsuit on a technicality. It's not the way forward. There is no true path to Black Liberation without Black LGBTQIA+ people and excluding them makes you white to me. Nipsey Hussle died a white man. Kanye West is transforming into a white man before our very eyes hanging out with Evangelicals like it's going out of style. Bro if you don't take your medication and come from around those Anglo Saxon niggas you gone die a white man too. And PLEASE ostracize these kind of toxic motherfuckers, both famous and familial, so you don't isolate the people you claim to love. That's my piece. Stay well and safe y'all.
