

Post Traumatic Slave Disorder


Is it crack? It MUST be crack-cocaine. Must be. Because to try to pussyfoot around the subject of it existing or act like it's existence didn't have it's effects is disingenuous at best and harmful at worst. I know how we talk about it is different when we refer to white niggas… you know drug addicted people… not crackheads. But what I'm getting at here is: whatever parallel sickness the pink people are afflicted with we have definitely become infected. White supremacy has invaded the studio. IS THIS WHO WE ARE? IS THIS WHAT WE REPRESENT? 🥴 I'm OVERblown at being politically correct or really stewing over whatever is coming out of my mouth or formatting so I'm pretty much going off the cuff here. It was gonna be all those things, eloquent, if you will. And I been feeling a way. Like EVERYONE. But we all exist at different intersections. Which is why it's ok for people like me to talk about crack in the way I do. Hell personal experience (by proxy). So when we understand this, please apply these very specific ordinances to Black women. Ok that's established. Identity is of paramount importance and mfs be using and abusing that shit, not utilizing that shit. That Kamala Harris representation fawning is sick. Because at the end of the day she's running behind a predator with a predatory prosecutorial background. But this Meg call out of Tory Lanez and the rest of the industry and society's complicity behind Black women's harm and lack of protection from anyone but themselves is fucking chef's kiss. ESPECIALLY all you Liberal harm reductionists. Because true "harm reduction" would be pushing for a facilitation of preventive services available for women to be independent of men who oppress them; BEFORE they get harmed, or worse yet killed. Not praising a rapist Joe Biden for tearing up at a hearing for violence against women, when he's sexually assaulting Tara Reade at his workplace. Alongside half a dozen plus other reports of sexual assault and harassment. And that was mostly white women victims (just like Bill Clinton's) who people all across the country are throwing under the bus HEAVY even basically saying fuck the entire Me Too movement (which hasn't just been helpful for women) which also definitely didn't apply to Black women as much, particularly video vixens and sex workers) strictly because they don't have any kind of imagination beyond being ruled by oppressive rich people who can stabilize things back to the way they were. Which would be so much better than this uncertain future. Which is gonna require a lot of imagination. And imagination? It works both ways good and bad. Because I hate to take you to that probable reality, but imagine if that insecure fuck fatally shot a physical manifestation of God. The nigga SHOT A GUN at her. You carceral niggas love calling that attempted murder any other time. You see my point. But instead of it being of Tupac level importance in "the culture" or even hell, the world writ large… y'all would let Tory Lanez fucked up publicist team sweep it under the rug… JUST like people are actively doing now. The same one's who placed Chris Brown in the position to still be buying 24kt gold coke razor chains. Black men specifically too. I've seen literal campaigns to sanitize the legacies of Russell Simmons, Fabulous, Talib Kweli among many others. So many tweets have inspired these streams of thought, but that last one was somebody saying how Black men will be fucking private investigators for their favorite male rappers who's been afflicted by gun violence, but now are fucking actual police turning a blind eye and questioning the validity of a Black woman's harm. Something very odd to consider when they ALWAYS understand it from a racial lens when said police kill Black person, but not a Black man which are 3x more likely on average to do so. I think men are trash as someone who's still grasping with where my masculinity fits and where is doesn't as a queer (both in sexuality and politic) non binary "man". I have to be really honest with myself about my own actions as a cis heterosexual man even if I didn't internally always identify that way. Nothing happens in a vacuum. ESPECIALLY not harm. Save yourselves Black women, at all costs. Fuck these niggas. It's not worth your life. I've seen both sides of the coin. And there's many who cannot afford to take that advice because of the inability to be heard or seen and protected by lack of resources. And I'm so proud of the women with resources extending their voices and definitely see you cause it's not to no detriment of your own either. Personal relationships and professional opportunity is crumbling in an age where people haven't worked out their politics. Those most unfairly affected are those with a humanitarian one. And even when an agent of good does or says something that's not of the current mood they get "cancelled". Which turns into a denial of accountability IF they even get called out on it. Even I struggle with this. We all want to not only be fair to ourselves, but also give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. But you should know you do it too often and aren't harsh enough on yourself if you never feel guilty. It's ok to be remorseful about your lack of understanding or for lack of a better word ignorance. It's not to use it as an excuse though. We can only be fair with others if we can be fair with ourselves. And then collectively we can read the room. And I also saw this tweet that I thought was brilliant… it went something to the tune of if you can't read the room, Spark Notes that bitch. Hell, listening to the right voices speak is like the audio book version of a lesson on life. You ain't gone find those in mainstream media. But some independent media sources. Which still lean only so far left… Most of our Black, white, yellow, red, olive or brown leaders don't have the stones to really "take a bullet" for the greater good. Save yourselves, again. It's not lost on me Black men always profess how hard they'll go for their and their brothers' mothers, sisters, aunties and women cousins are the niggas killing transwomen…. which are somebody's mother, sister, auntie or cousin. And even if they we none of those things they shouldn't be getting harassed online and killed in real life daily for simply existing and particularly by individuals, largely Black men to other Black transwomen who are attracted to them. The trans and non-binary existence has got to be something Black people need to get more comfortable with because in reality you actually fall somewhere on that technical spectrum as our gender nor sexuality has truly been dictated by ourselves for 400 years. Black Americans specifically. It's why Black men try to excuse violence against masculine presenting women and going to the extent of saying they'll fight studs and dykes because they don't recognize their womanhood. Totally neglecting their general physical prowess gap even if the masculine excuse is being upheld as an argument. It's why people tried clocking Meg as a transwoman and used it to bolster their fucked up reason as to why she deserves the violence or worse yet that it did not happen. I maintain and had maintained since seeing the helicopter footage, speculating right off the bat that it wasn't Tory Lanez protecting her in some wild shootout as initially reported. That's on wax. Not saying it for brownie points. I'm saying it because the main takeaway from all of this is believe Black women and let's center them and make sure their healing is what's driving our motivations towards Liberation. But to do that we gotta take the knife out their backs and acknowledge it was there.
