

The Brink

Words escape so many of us who choose to bear witness to the atrocities our tax dollars are paying for. Well not mine, haven’t worked in some time, shit’s ROUGH out here as you know! But I digress… It gets sicker the more you look into the justifications. Like how this big scary terrorist organization Hamas is coming to do murders and rapes across the world as the new ISIS level threat. To date there have been no such attacks and Hamas is not a genocidal terrorist org. They may be a anti-Zionist resistance paramilitary with guerilla units, some of which go rogue so far as warring actions, but not extremists beyond reason. If your lands were occupied you might find yourself taking up arms against your neighbors who shoot and bomb your friends and family and then have raves outside of your ghetto. I don’t know.

Now that the hypothetical has been addressed, the indiscriminate bombing must come to a permanent end. If the Israeli people could somehow see the error in their ways in occupation and take down their massive surveillance network in the West Bank and tear down the fence dividing Gaza and issue a formal apology for the genocide… Well that sounds too much like right, and also like I’m smoking crack or dreaming. But that’s the best case scenario to moving forward peacefully. I’m sure Palestinians would welcome that if it could be a reality. You know that two state 1967 border solution. Real statehood.

But we know Israel is dead set on razing Gaza and eventually the West Bank via continued settlement expansion. It’s very apparent. No matter how much doublespeak you hear and how much cover is provided to shadow the not even ulterior, but very deliberate motives. And to that end we are implored to sit back and watch as it happens slowly. We’re chided to endorse the “humane” solution of ethnically cleansing Palestinians and dispersing them into the diaspora from a thought leader’s opinion piece in a reputable source. I can’t believe what I’m seeing, but I’m also happy there’s a long long record of stances for the audit. These stances cannot go unanswered as we restore the humanity and voice of the Palestinian people.

The asininities and absurdness of everything that’s happened and is happening is, like many things, the worst part about all of this. The chaos and destruction. The lives and dreams shattered. The mental and physical well beings that are tattered and worn to the edge of bearability. Some are saying it’s gonna take a lifetime to come back from this. There’s no coming back from this in many ways. Maintaining identity and cultures is so important, but things just are not the same. And can never be that way. There’s something very final about death in people, but their histories are being erased as the rate of extermination is unrelenting. They have approached killing Palestinians as a sport. You can not convince me otherwise because I’ve seen Marines on the ground hyping up the IDF. Shit is crazy. I believe my lying eyes and ears. That’s just me. You’re not gonna get me to believe yours if they say something mine don’t.

So what’s the solution? Well there is one just solution. Land back. The whole land becomes governed by the Palestinian people. That would mean handing over the nuclear arsenal that’s pretty much been confirmed by all those crazies. Because obviously you can’t wield that kinda power without threatening it under inappropriate circumstances. As if there would be one outside of mutually assured destruction against an equally nuclear armed nation that is posing the same threat to you. The appropriate action should be dismantling them. Not pointing them at your neighbors. Or would you rather the settler colonial state that is foaming at the mouth expand it’s borders through force? You know, like everybody is whining about Russia doing. To me it’s genuinely scary to have the other eventuality which is the mass expulsion of 2 million + Palestinians and the end of Gaza. I wouldn’t quite call that a “solution”. But genocidal maniacs would when all is said and done. If it comes to that. It should not come to that.

I wanna just say Free Palestine and I’m proud of everybody who took a stand on the right side of history. The Palestinian people lead the planet in the global fight against white supremacy and imperialism and we owe them our eternal gratitude and solidarity.
